Goose Island State Park
202 S. Palmetto St.
Rockport, TX, 78382
United States
To manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.Things to Do
Although the park is located on Aransas Bay, there is not a swimming area. The shoreline is comprised of concrete bulkhead, oyster shell, mud flat and marsh grass. The main recreational activities are camping, excellent birding and fishing. Other activities include picnicking, boating (motors allowed), nature study, wildlife observation and photography.
Equipment Rentals
This park participates in the Angler Education “Tackle Loaner Program"; individuals can borrow rods, reels and tackle boxes with hooks, sinkers and bobbers. We are also a part of the new Junior Ranger Explorer Pack program; individuals can check out explorer packs for day use and are responsible for returning the equipment in the pack.
Ranger Programs
Tours: Guided nature hikes are held year-round. Guided birding tours are held from January through April.
Interpretive Programs: Interpretive programs are held every week, and private programs are available on request.