Does your family enjoy spending time outside, but sometimes wish you had other families to explore with? A Family Nature Club is a great way for families to come together to plan outings, learn from each other and even enjoy greater adventures like camping or backpacking. Discover how you can start your own, volunteer lead club and use Nature Rocks Texas to connect with the events, parks, zoos and nature centers in your community.
Texas Children in Nature has regional collaboratives in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, North Texas, Coastal Bend and the Caprock regions. Each region meets through out the year to bring the conservation, health, education and youth development communities together. These dedicated volunteers focus on creating more access to nature, and help raise awareness that children and families who play and learn in nature are Healthier, Happier and Smarter. The collaboratives are open to new organizations or concerned citizens joining any time. Contact your TCiN grassroots leader to find out how you can get involved.
Nature Rocks Texas has local websites around the state in Austin, San Antonio, North Texas, Coastal Bend and Caprock regions. You and your family can stay connected to all the nature-based events and activities as you travel in Texas. We developed each of the local sites to make it easier to find nature near you. When you travel outside of Texas, be sure to check out Nature Rocks, which is managed by The Nature Conservancy in partnership with the Children & Nature Network.