Resources for Teachers
Teachers have the ominous task of educating youth about subjects like science, history, or math and somehow make each lesson come to life so the student connects with the information. Research shows that when children learn and play outdoors they preform better in school, are healthier, more creative and are better problem solvers.
There are lots of lesson plan options out there that can help teachers bridge that gap between the content they are responsible for teaching and making it interesting. We have complied a list of resources for teachers to liven up their science, history, art, math or just about any subject you can think of. We wish you and your students all the best this year!
- Texas has amazing biodiversity and finally has lesson plans that focus on the Aquatic Life and Habitats in the state.
- View a sampling of highlighted courses, programs and resources offered by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has cool lessons about climate, sea floors and marine wildlife
- Texas Parks and Wildlife offers everything from Conservation Education to Hunting Education and everything in-between.
- Project WILD offers training workshops around the state to certify teachers on Project WILD, Growing Up WILD and Flying WILD.
- The Texas Wildlife Association offers Learning Across New Dimensions in Science (L.A.N.D.S.) Intensive Learning Across New Dimensions in Science
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology offers a full range of lessons from k-12 and higher learning
- The National Wildlife Federation has all kinds of lessons, printable pages about wildlife and habitats.
- Bat Conservation International has worksheets and bat trunks for teachers.